- Have you ever wondered how much blue really costs? Why is this color treasured in both ancient and modern times? Today we will uncover the mystery of the blue pigment dye.
- It is a blue inorganic pigment that occupies a place in blue pigments with its unique red light. Ultramarine products are extremely versatile.
- The earliest use of purple pigments by humans dates back to the Neolithic Age. Around 20,000 years ago, in and around Pechmel, France, people left the Outlines of their own hands with manganese minerals.
- As von Hofmann's assistant, Perkin wanted to impress his teacher, and he wanted to see if he could synthesize quinine. He failed.
- Phthalocyanine dyes are large cyclic aromatic compounds containing benzene and nitrogen atoms that have a dark color, usually between blue and green.
- To create the first true purple pigment cobalt violet. Cobalt violet was followed by manganese violet, and in the 20th century, quinacridone pigments opened up a whole new spectrum of purple.
- In terms of coal production areas, the weather has cleared up in Yulin, Ordos and other places in Shaanxi, and roads in mining areas have gradually returned to normal. However, the impact of snowfall on the pit market has not completely dissipated.
- 钛粉领先生产商中国核钛粉的披露公告宣布,公司将于2024年1月19日起全面提高所有型号钛粉的销售价格。其中,国内客户销售价格提高500元/吨,国际客户销售价格提高100美元/吨。就在三天前,龙柏集团、汇云钛业等公司也宣布提价。
- 春节期间聚酯链备货需求已经开始。随着假期临近和基本面支撑,价格支撑强劲。节后产业链受供应强劲影响,存在一定库存积累预期。但预计库存不会对价格造成太大压力,市场支撑价格的意愿较强。2023年农历新年后“强烈预期”的市场形势将在2024年延续。
- The main crude oil futures contract fluctuated during the week this week. As of Friday's close, the SC crude oil main contract closed at 566.3 yuan/barrel, down 0.65% from last Friday's close.
- 截至期货市场周五收盘,甲醇合约今日小幅减仓,加权甲醇合约头寸5,161手,05主力合约头寸4,966手。加权合约盘中走势全天震荡下行,收盘整体下跌0.8%。
- RU 2405月合约本周开盘报13,800点,最高13,950点,最低13,635点。收盘于13,875点,上涨105点,成交量为1,025,916手,未平仓量为160,139手。
- 煤炭需求持续疲软,产业链下游库存持续上升,钢厂下调煤炭价格意愿强烈。本周,第二轮可乐发货已经落地。日照港准一级湿熄焦收盘价为2,340元/吨,出库价为2,300元/吨。吨,相当于仓单成本约2,510元/吨。第二轮焦降价后,焦主力合约仍小幅打折。
- 从基本面来看,中国大陆的初创企业基本稳定。本周卓创甲醇平均开工率为71.35%,西北地区开工率为82.72%,较上周略有上升。九泰托克200万吨/年甲醇装置将于2024年1月安装。1月5日至11日期间关闭。陕西卫华40万吨级机组10日开始为期7天的检修。西南天然气厂于25日重启,九园和四川威分别于25日和9日重启。
- Fundamental overview: According to the Natural Rubber Network, the main production areas at home and abroad are approaching the off-season of supply, coupled with the replenishment of upstream factories, raw material prices are firm