- 2022年2月24日,俄罗斯与乌克兰爆发冲突。截至今天,冲突已持续1,000天。现在,俄罗斯和乌克兰在多个重要战场上展开激烈战斗。
- 联合国安理会19日下午就10个非常任理事国共同起草的加沙停火决议草案进行投票。据了解,该草案仍然呼吁立即无条件停火并释放人质。
- 高盛表示,考虑到央行的购买和美国明年降息的前景,预计黄金将升至历史新高,并补充说黄金是其2025年首选大宗商品交易之一,并表示特朗普担任总统期间黄金价格可能进一步上涨。
- 10月份,规模以上工业原油产量1777万吨,同比增长2.5%,增速比9月份加快1.4个百分点,日均产量57.3万吨。进口原油4470万吨,同比下降8.7%。
- 今年以来,金融市场利率普遍下降,但银行间存款利率并未跟随这一趋势。据券商统计,今年上半年
- 11月11日下午,在日本国会参议院首相选举中,自民党总裁石破茂获胜。
- 当地时间11月7日,委内瑞拉副总统罗德里格斯在该国首都加拉加斯举行的俄罗斯-委内瑞拉高级政府间委员会(CIAN)第18次会议上表示
- 海东证券研究报告认为,美国大选落地,特朗普政权对原油可能更加利空。1.地缘政治风险溢价可能会下降。
- The Japanese government released data on the newborn population in the first half of this year on the 5th, a decrease of about 6% from the same period last year, continuing to show a downward trend.
- The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced China's commodity price index for October on the 5th. With the improvement of market supply and demand, the production activities of enterprises have accelerated
- On November 4, the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held an enlarged meeting. The meeting required that the current and long-term should be coordinated
- Judging from the sub-data of Caixin China's manufacturing PMI, the supply of manufacturing industry has increased, and demand has turned from contraction to slight expansion.
- Dong Xiang, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Department of the National Energy Administration, said at a press conference of the National Energy Administration on the 31st that in the next step
- 第136届广州博览会第三期将于明天(10月31日)至11月4日在广东举行。本次展览将重点关注玩具及孕妇、婴幼儿、时尚、家用纺织品等,拥有11,703家参展商。