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  • The Paris Olympics will use purple track, purple paint is more popular
    The earliest use of purple pigments by humans dates back to the Neolithic Age. Around 20,000 years ago, in and around Pechmel, France, people left the Outlines of their own hands with manganese minerals.
  • Purple dye, an epochal discovery
    As von Hofmann's assistant, Perkin wanted to impress his teacher, and he wanted to see if he could synthesize quinine. He failed.
  • Phthalocyanine dyes, blue to purple organic pigments
    Phthalocyanine dyes are large cyclic aromatic compounds containing benzene and nitrogen atoms that have a dark color, usually between blue and green.
  • What are the common types of purple pigment dyes
    To create the first true purple pigment cobalt violet. Cobalt violet was followed by manganese violet, and in the 20th century, quinacridone pigments opened up a whole new spectrum of purple.
  • Coal market conditions are cooling and overall transactions may be weak
    In terms of coal production areas, the weather has cleared up in Yulin, Ordos and other places in Shaanxi, and roads in mining areas have gradually returned to normal. However, the impact of snowfall on the pit market has not completely dissipated.
  • 海外出口预计将继续增长,二价上涨
  • 聚酯库存合理低,价格上涨刺激下游库存
  • Crude oil prices have strong support as supply decreases due to severe cold weather
    The main crude oil futures contract fluctuated during the week this week. As of Friday's close, the SC crude oil main contract closed at 566.3 yuan/barrel, down 0.65% from last Friday's close.
  • 原材料成本持续反弹,甲醇期货价格获得支撑
  • 全球汽车产销量数据强劲,橡胶期货价格震荡上行
    RU 2405月合约本周开盘报13,800点,最高13,950点,最低13,635点。收盘于13,875点,上涨105点,成交量为1,025,916手,未平仓量为160,139手。
  • 煤炭需求仍然相对疲软,近期炼焦煤行业一直被看空。
  • 甲醇港口预计库存已积累,睡衣需求很难看到大幅改善
  • Rubber cost support strengthens and rubber prices fluctuate upward trend
    Fundamental overview: According to the Natural Rubber Network, the main production areas at home and abroad are approaching the off-season of supply, coupled with the replenishment of upstream factories, raw material prices are firm